Tuesday 1 October 2013

Hard To LOVE, HoW To LoVe =)

anyeong.anyeong.anyoeng. and assalam ^^
tau tak nape ayat kat atas tu HARD TO LOVE, HOW TO LOVE ???
I get it from comeback Beast yg terbaru. JUNHYUNG rapper Beast pnyer title.                    this is my BIGBANG OPPA.. gdragon, TOP, seungri, tae yang, dae sung...haisy..bilalah korang nie nak wat comeback.?? kata bulan 10.. sekarng bru 1 hrbln mehhh..sabaq nohhh~~ gd habaq kat aku mcm tue~ wahhh untung doe mehhh.. if ada ALIVE TOUR lg..konpum guna duet ptptn utk pegi sana!! VIP must go right??
mmg gempak lah title tue kan ???  they are growing up B2ST. nnonono im not Beauty 
but im still VIP TEGAR. heheheh..cume kurangkan pergerakan KPOP okay darling??
my mom always nasihat me like that.. but sometimes i  think boleh ka chek tak avoidkan diri chek dari kpop wow i very wonder that thing that always apear in my minds. with i think about themm... who??? sapa lagi kalo bukan my BIAS la.. ramai kottt..FIRST all my BIGBANG oppas..then B2ST then MBLAQ..  with only thinking that, i would not think about men in MAlaysia yg somekind annoying, menyampah, bajet hensem dan menyerabutkan. not talking to my FAther or my brother. JUST SOME OF THEM ONLY> sooo   fake!!! mom!! please understand me.. kejar cita2 nk p korea            SO  BEAST ^^
wahhhh so good!!!!.bukannya hang nk belajaq betui2 bg sngkan aku
ayat mak x ley blahhh tui.. typo je..^^ i have just give you some reason.. tHIS IS MBLAQ TEASER~~ love beat^^   aku minat MBLAQ pun sbb aku tgk HELLO BABY MBLAQ yg dyeorg duk jaga baby yg cute belaka. sgt comel kan..korang yg minat variety show mcm tue mesti terpikat punyer ngan dyeorg.. x caye roomate aku semua nangis episod last.. tak sedar diri sendiri pun duk kate kat org..hang pun sma ja!!!~  =.='''' haisyhhh.. so i think MBLAQ pnyer comeback yg lepas lg best even roomate aku MIN asyik duk nyanyi SMOKY GIRL SMOKY GIRL SMOKY GIRL !!!
so this is the meaning oF HARD TO LOVE HOW TO LOVE > to Me.. tp MY Mr. Admire is my DEstINy..INsyaAllah maybe...huhuhuu~~ pray for me okayy going to Alive TOur WIth my BEloved ones!!! May Allah bless us!!!


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