Sunday 26 February 2012

getah zip seluar life

Idop nie mcm roda..kdg2 kte kt bwh sometimes kte kt atas..
Mcm zip seluar..tol x ???hahaha..
Ak amnani..nie life ak..
Mule jd bdax smesta..msok f1..mcm org gler..
Bley je msok ospital gler..
Xp tak lulus..asl???mseh x lyak..gler homesick..
Tp tue 5 taon i’m free..
P mesti korg nk tao en..wt life is gonna be..
Mse life semesta is knangan mnis to me..
Meet wit him..ceyh3..
Tp cinta tue bodoh gler..tol x???
Study smpai berjaye is my priority..
My fwendy is G.A.D.E.S.H.
They give me spirit..spirit of scorpion.. moto rmah sukan zuhal..dlu..hahaha
Now my dream is wanna be its b4 dats
Ak tkot drah senanye..tkot tgk excident..
Bley kea ak tgk drah bebyk..nt ak lak  yg pengsan..
Dokte plak yg rwt dokte nt..hahaha..
Now ak pkir nk amek master nk jd pensyarah la..
Itue je yg termampu kowt..
Tok bahagiakn keluarga..
Mmg pepatah ade ckp..
Kite perlu korban kn kbahagiaan kte ntok owg len..

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